The SQL Dude!

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Archive for the ‘Performance’ Category

Scan, Find & Understand Missing Indexes in your SQL Database

Posted by Sudarshan Narasimhan on June 17, 2016

This post is Part 4 of my series of posts on Index Maintenance for a DBA. So here goes.

Enough has been said & talked about regarding missing indexes in SQL Server. Before you read any further, it is very important to understand that “missing indexes” that your colleagues & friends talk about are really missing index “recommendations“. The keyword is the recommendations part. Take the information in this post as a whole and don’t go crazy creating every missing index recommended when you run the query given below. Refer to my earlier posts in the indexing series (duplicate, unused indexes) to know why it is a bad idea to go “index-crazy”. You need to carefully evaluate the benefits of having an index vs the cost of maintaining it.

Some Background

SQL Server provides exposes index recommendations via DMV’s (sys.dm_db_missing_index_detailssys.dm_db_missing_index_groups and sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats). These dynamic views contain information collected by the SQL Server Query optimizer engine as your DB workloads and queries execute on the database engine. Since this is “dynamic” information, it is only as relevant as your last SQL Service restart. So this is something that needs to get into your blood as a DBA to check for periodically and is NOT a one-off activity.


Things to Consider & Understand before implementing Missing Index Recommendations

Your boss asks you if this index thingy will improve the performance of the database. The favourite DBA response “It Depends”  😀












Well, it really does! I’ll explain why… Like any other recommendations you need to take into account additional information along with this data to come to a conclusion. Consider for example the following:

  1. Has your DB workload changed since the time you collected the missing index recommendations? (i.e. Has there been an application release or DB schema upgrade since)
  2. Are there similar existing indexes on the table where it’s recommending you create another index? (Maybe you just need to add a few additional columns to the existing index as included columns to “cover” it…)
  3. Is the query batch or workload very frequently run, enough that the impact is very high if you create this index? (Refer to the last_user_seek and last_user_scan columns to find out when a particular query last used these columns for seek/scan operations)
  4. Do you have enough space in the DB/disk to afford yet another index? Especially important, if it’s a large table. (DBA 101 question, I know!)
  5. If you create this index and it’s rarely used, you are increase the maintenance overhead and also slowly down WRITE operations on the table.


IT DEPENDS, really it does!


Missing Index – Improvement Measure Calculation Logic

To help answer some of these questions, I calculate an arbitrary number to determine the “usefulness” of a new index, called improvement measure. The higher this number, the more useful it is to create it. The improvement measure is calculated based on 4 factors

  1. Average cost of the user queries that could be reduced by the new index. This is the current cost of the query.
  2. Average impact on the query if this index were created. i.e. The query cost would on average drop by this percentage value.
  3. Number of Seek operations that this index could have been used by user queries.
  4. Number of Scan operations that this index could have been used by user queries.


Now that you understand what missing indexes are, factors to consider and the logic behind the recommendations, go ahead and run the below query on your databases. The output provides you the “CREATE INDEX” T-SQL statement that you can use to create the index, if you see fit after considering all factors mentioned so far. This saves you time having to write the T-SQL yourself. The CREATE INDEX statement will include the index key columns in order, suggest included columns where applicable.


Script – Find Missing Indexes Recommendations in SQL Server

USE [msdb]  /*Replace with your Database Name */
    GETDATE() AS [RunTime],
    DB_NAME(mid.database_id) AS [DBNAME], 
    OBJECT_NAME(mid.[object_id]) AS [ObjectName], mid.[object_id] AS [ObjectID],
    CONVERT (decimal (28,1), migs.avg_total_user_cost * migs.avg_user_impact * (migs.user_seeks + migs.user_scans)) AS [Improvement_Measure],
    'CREATE INDEX missing_index_' + CONVERT (varchar, mig.index_group_handle) + '_' + CONVERT (varchar, mid.index_handle) 
    + ' ON ' + mid.statement 
    + ' (' + ISNULL (mid.equality_columns,'') 
    + CASE WHEN mid.equality_columns IS NOT NULL AND mid.inequality_columns IS NOT NULL THEN ',' ELSE '' END + ISNULL (mid.inequality_columns, '')
    + ')' 
    + ISNULL (' INCLUDE (' + mid.included_columns + ')', '') AS [CREATE_INDEX_Statement],
    migs.user_seeks, migs.user_scans, migs.last_user_seek, migs.last_user_scan, migs.avg_total_user_cost, migs.avg_user_impact, migs.avg_system_impact,
    mig.index_group_handle, mid.index_handle
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups mig
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats migs ON migs.group_handle = mig.index_group_handle
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_details mid ON mig.index_handle = mid.index_handle
WHERE CONVERT (decimal (28,1), migs.avg_total_user_cost * migs.avg_user_impact * (migs.user_seeks + migs.user_scans)) > 10
    AND mid.database_id = DB_ID()
ORDER BY [Improvement_Measure] DESC


Script Result
Here is a sample output from my test system showing all missing indexes recommended on the MSDB database.





Test, Test, Test!

Did I mention that you must test these index recommendations on your Test system? If you know your application workload/query, you must test to gauge the impact of having this index.

Keep in mind, your testing must not be to run just a single batch/query, as 95% of the time this will yield a positive result. But, you must include other sample workloads along with your specific query. Why? Because, indexes are structures on the table not specific to just your query. Other queries can use it too and SQL has to keep the index up to date when data changes happen to the table. Always test any index changes with as close to a real world production like workload as possible. You don’t want any surprises on Production now, do you?  🙂

Well SQL folks, this concludes my indexing series of posts for DBA’s. Leave your comments down below if you find this useful and would like more material on these lines.


-Sudarshan (TheSQLDude)

Posted in DB Maintenance, Indexing, Performance, T-SQL | Tagged: , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

A scenario on Query Tuning–Included Columns are a good thing!

Posted by Sudarshan Narasimhan on December 20, 2012

Well, this post has been due for quite some time. I had opened up a survey/opinion poll on sometime back and as expected most of you out there want to see more on performance tuning and query optimization.


  Figure 1: Opinion Poll Results

Without much ado and by popular demand here goes a simple scenario on query tuning.


One of my engineers came to me with the following scenario…

Problem Statement

We have this Update query that is taking much longer to run compared to before. No schema changes have been made though its quite possible data changes have been happening. The update query goes like this,

update msgboard set mb_status =10, mb_changed_by ='SATCOM'  
from msgboard 
where mb_type = 210 

Table Schema

I was easily able to reproduce this issue on my instance, here is how my table setup looks.

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[msgboard]    Script Date: 12/20/2012 01:52:07 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[msgboard](
    [mb_id] [int] NOT NULL,
    [mb_type] [int] NOT NULL,
    [mb_status] [int] NOT NULL,
    [mb_changed_by] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [mb_changed_dt]  AS (getdate())
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [pk_msgboard] ON [dbo].[msgboard] 
    [mb_id] ASC
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_msgboard_type] ON [dbo].[msgboard] 
    [mb_type] ASC,
    [mb_status] ASC

I populated this table with some sample data of 1000 rows using the following script.

declare @counter int
set @counter=0
declare @mbid int
set @mbid=1
declare @mbtype int
set @mbtype=200
declare @mbstatus int
set @mbstatus=10
INSERT INTO [dbo].[msgboard]
set @mbid+=1
set @counter+=1
INSERT INTO [test].[dbo].[msgboard]

So, I have 2 indexes on this table:-

1) A unique Clustered Index pk_msgboard on the mb_id column

2) A composite non-clustered index IX_msgboard_type on the columns mb_type and mb_status (in this order).

Query Execution Details

Here is what I observed when I ran the following update statement.

update msgboard set mb_status =10, mb_changed_by ='SATCOM'  
from msgboard 
where mb_type = 210 

To actual execution plan looks like this,


Total Cost: 0.03124485

As you can see, this query is using the Clustered Index pk_msgboard and its performing a Scan. At this point, two questions should pop into your head

1. Why is the query using the clustered index?

2. Why is it performing a Scan operation?

Answer to question #1

Let’s look at the update query carefully. The query is updating the columns mb_status and mb_changed_by, and there is a filter on column mb_type. You might think, well, I have an index IX_msgboard_type on the mb_type column, why is SQL Server not using this non-clustered index?

To prove I was smarter than SQL Server optimizer, I forced it to use the non-clustered index by adding an index hint. The query looks like this,

update msgboard set mb_status =10, mb_changed_by ='SATCOM'  
from msgboard WITH(INDEX(IX_msgboard_type))
where mb_type = 210 


Total Cost: 0.03651106

  • Notice that the Cost for the query with index hint is higher than the one without! If the table had more rows, we would have seen a bigger difference in cost Smile.
  • Additionally, a Table Spool operator is now part of the execution plan. The table spool operator caches the row to be updated (In tempdb) and then feeds it to the Clustered Index update operator.
  • This proves that SQL Server optimizer was actually choosing the cheapest and best plan it could come up with.

The reason SQL Server picked the clustered index is because the query is updating the columns mb_status =10 and mb_changed_by. This column mb_status is not the leading column in the NC index IX_msgboard_type, but the 2nd column. Why does this matter? It does because, the statistics for this NC index would be built on the leading column which is mb_type. Here is how the histogram looks.

dbcc show_statistics ('dbo.msgboard','IX_msgboard_type')


To avoid a bookmark lookup (Key Lookup operator from SQL 2005 onwards), SQL Server decided to use the clustered index since it covers all the columns in the table. If SQL Server were to use the NC index, it would be do a lookup or cache the results (ahem, Table Spool operator!) and then find the matching row in the clustered index to actually update the 2 columns. This is an additional cost, and this is why SQL decided not to go with this plan.

Coming to the 2nd question of why a Scan? It might surprise some of you, but a Seek does not imply good performance always. My favourite answer – “It depends”. In this case, the table only had 1001 rows and of which only 1 row (mb_id=1001) qualified for the update. When using the CI Scan, SQL Server was applying the filter on mb_type=210 and that returned 1 row back. A Clustered Index Seek in this case would not make any positive difference in query execution time.

OBJECT:([test].[dbo].[msgboard].[pk_msgboard]), WHERE:([test].[dbo].[msgboard].[mb_type]=(210)) ORDERED

To test this, I added the FORCESEEK table hint to this update query and as expected the query did not run faster.

update msgboard set mb_status =10, mb_changed_by ='SATCOM'  
from msgboard WITH (FORCESEEK) where mb_type = 210 

In fact it has the same cost as the query with index hint –> 0.03651106


Instead of trying to second guess the query optimizer and trying to tweak the execution plan it is producing, this issue needs a different approach –> back to basics. Based on the query design, if the column being updated mb_status was “covered” then it would help. In this case that was also also take care of, since IX_msgboard_type also includes the column mb_status, though as a non-key column. This is an important thing and this was why the “included columns” feature was introduced.

So, I modified the index IX_msgboard_type to remove the column mb_status. Instead, I added the column back as an included column

DROP INDEX [IX_msgboard_type] ON [dbo].[msgboard] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF )
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_msgboard_type] ON [dbo].[msgboard] 
    [mb_type] ASC

The biggest advantage of having an included column in a non-clustered index is that, the query optimizer can locate all the column values within the index. The base table or clustered index data is not accessed resulting in fewer disk I/O operations and hence faster query execution. Also, the index size is lesser since non-key columns are only added to the leaf level. Many advantages indeed.

Here is how the update query plan looked after added mb_status as an included column.


My oh my, this plan looks so simple, clean and yeah faster. The actual cost is now 0.0132843, which is a big improvement over the original plan of 0.03651106

So we have achieved our original goals of

a) Getting SQL Server to use the Non-clustered index IX_msgboard_type, instead of the clustered index.

b) Getting an Seek operation instead of a Scan.

c) Query cost is cheaper.

So, hope everyone understood how beneficial included columns are on non-clustered indexes. For more information on guidelines and restriction with included columns refer this MSDN article.

That’s all for now folks. Keep tuned to this site for more.

-TheSQLDude (Sudarshan)

Posted in Performance, Query Optimization | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Scripts to monitor SQL Server Memory usage in Buffer Pool, Plan Cache and identify Query Memory grants & waits by session

Posted by Sudarshan Narasimhan on December 14, 2012

I often use a multitude of T-SQL queries and scripts when I am troubleshooting memory issues and even for monitoring SQL Server Memory usage. I am posting these scripts here in the spirit of sharing, as I’m sure there are other variations of these same scripts out there already. For this purpose of this blog post, these scripts are only useful in troubleshooting out-of-memory (OOM) and other issues in the Buffer Pool. This blog post does not cover Virtual Address/Virtual Memory or memory tracking outside of the Buffer Pool. That will be covered in a later post.

In case you have other scripts for memory monitoring, please leave behind a comment

— Query to find the Buffer Pool usage per each Database
— Each of these pages are present in the Buffer Cache, meaning they are IN_RAM pages.

DECLARE @total_buffer BIGINT;
SELECT @total_buffer = cntr_value
FROM sys.
WHERE RTRIM([object_name]) LIKE
‘%Buffer Manager’
AND counter_name = ‘Total Pages’
/AND counter_name = ‘Database pages’ — Uncomment this line & comment the above line, if you’re SQL Server version is 2012 or above/

;WITH BufCount AS
database_id, db_buffer_pages = COUNT_BIG
FROM sys.
WHERE database_id BETWEEN 5 AND 32766
GROUP BY database_id
[Database_Name] = CASE [database_id] WHEN 32767
‘MSSQL System Resource DB’
ELSE DB_NAME([database_id]) END
db_buffer_pages as [Buffer Count (8KB Pages)]
[Buffer Size (MB)] = db_buffer_pages / 128
[Buffer Size (%)] = CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2
), db_buffer_pages 100.0 / @total_buffer)
FROM BufCount
ORDER BY [Buffer Size (MB)] DESC



-- Query to identify objects that are taking up most of that memory in Buffer Pool.
-- This is only for the current database context. Please prefix <USE DBNAME> as per your requirement

 DB_NAME(bd.database_id) as DBNAME,
 obj.[name] as [Object Name],
 sysobj.type_desc as [Object Type],
 i.[name]   as [Index Name],
 i.[type_desc] as [Index Type],
 COUNT_BIG(*) AS Buffered_Page_Count ,
 COUNT_BIG(*) * 8192 / (1024 * 1024) as Buffer_MB,
 bd.page_type as [Page Type] -- , ,obj.index_id, i.[name]
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors AS bd 
        SELECT object_name(object_id) AS name 
            ,index_id ,allocation_unit_id, object_id
        FROM sys.allocation_units AS au
            INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p 
                ON au.container_id = p.hobt_id 
                    AND (au.type = 1 OR au.type = 3)
        UNION ALL
        SELECT object_name(object_id) AS name   
            ,index_id, allocation_unit_id, object_id
        FROM sys.allocation_units AS au
            INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p 
                ON au.container_id = p.hobt_id 
                    AND au.type = 2
    ) AS obj 
        ON bd.allocation_unit_id = obj.allocation_unit_id
LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i on i.object_id = obj.object_id AND i.index_id = obj.index_id
LEFT JOIN sys.objects sysobj on i.object_id = sysobj.object_id
WHERE database_id = DB_ID()
and sysobj.type not in ('S','IT')
GROUP BY DB_NAME(bd.database_id),, obj.index_id , i.[name],i.[type_desc],bd.page_type,sysobj.type_desc
ORDER BY Buffered_Page_Count DESC



-- Query to show current memory requests, grants and execution plan for each active session
-- This shows memory granted & requested for currently active sessions on the instance level
-- This can be used in a script to capture information over a period of time.

SELECT mg.session_id, mg.requested_memory_kb, mg.granted_memory_kb, mg.used_memory_kb, t.text, qp.query_plan 
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants AS mg
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(mg.sql_handle) AS t
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(mg.plan_handle) AS qp



Note: When you click on the query_plan, it opens up the XML Showplan in SSMS.

-- Query to search plan cache for queries with memory grants completed

SELECT top 50 t.text, cp.objtype ,qp.query_plan, cp.usecounts, cp.size_in_bytes as [Bytes Used in Cache]
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
JOIN sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs ON cp.plan_handle = qs.plan_handle
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS t
WHERE qp.query_plan.exist('declare namespace n=""; //n:MemoryFractions') = 1
order by cp.size_in_bytes desc



-- Queries that have requested memory or waiting for memory to be granted
SELECT  DB_NAME(st.dbid) AS [DatabaseName] ,
        mg.requested_memory_kb ,
        mg.ideal_memory_kb ,
        mg.request_time ,
        mg.grant_time ,
        mg.query_cost ,
        mg.dop ,
FROM    sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants AS mg
        CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
WHERE   mg.request_time < COALESCE(grant_time, '99991231')
ORDER BY mg.requested_memory_kb DESC ;

Note: This query can be used when there are active sessions waiting on memory to be granted and they are waiting. These sessions will have a wait_type of RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE. You can calculate the wait time for memory grant, by subtracting request_time and grant_time

-- SQL Server 2005/2008/R2 version
-- Top clerks ordered by memory used
SELECT TOP(20) [type] as [Memory Clerk Name], SUM(single_pages_kb) AS [SPA Memory (KB)],
SUM(single_pages_kb)/1024 AS [SPA Memory (MB)]
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
GROUP BY [type]
ORDER BY SUM(single_pages_kb) DESC;
-- SQL Server 2012 version
-- Top clerks ordered by memory used
SELECT TOP(20) [type] as [Memory Clerk Name], SUM(pages_kb) AS [SPA Memory (KB)],
SUM(pages_kb)/1024 AS [SPA Memory (MB)]
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
GROUP BY [type]
ORDER BY SUM(pages_kb) DESC;


That’s all for now folks!

  • TheSQLDude (Sudarshan)


Posted in Memory, Performance, T-SQL | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments »

Monitoring tempdb space usage and scripts for finding queries which are using excessive tempdb space

Posted by Sudarshan Narasimhan on May 15, 2012

Many times during the life of a DBA, you might notice the tempdb database growing excessively, though no changes have recently been done. It’s often the case that due to data increase, the application T-SQL queries are not written to scale up, hence end up doing excessive sorting/hashing operations which consume space from your tempdb database. Here are some T-SQL scripts that you can use to monitor who/what is consuming space from tempdb and plan accordingly.

Before we get into identifying queries that use tempdb, it is very important to understand what all activities in SQL Server (both internal & user activities), which use the tempdb database. Broadly you can classify these into 3 categories:-

  1. Internal Objects
  2. Version Stores
  3. User Objects

From a feature perspective, here are the features in SQL Server that use space from tempdb.

  1. Query
  2. Triggers
  3. Snapshot isolation and read committed snapshot (RCSI)
  4. MARS
  5. Online index creation
  6. Temporary tables, table variables, and table-valued functions
  8. LOB parameters
  9. Cursors
  10. Service Broker and event notification
  11. XML and LOB variables
  12. Query notifications
  13. Database mail
  14. Index creation
  15. User-defined functions

From a query performance standpoint, here are some operators that use tempdb space.

1. Sort Operator : The sort operator needs tempdb space to sort the full rowset of incoming rows. This is usually send when user ODER BY and also for DISTINCT ORDER BY


2. Hash Match Operator: Depending on the size of row, a hash table could use tempdb


3. Spool Operator: This operator is used to save the intermediate set of rows for re-use and uses the tempdb database to save the query result set.


Tempdb out of space error

Error: 1105, Severity 17, State 2
Could not allocate space for object dbo.TBL1  in database ‘tempdb’ because the ‘PRIMARY’ filegroup is full.


Identify which type of tempdb objects are consuming  space

The following query helps you understand if user objects or version store or internal objects are the ones using the space in tempdb. According to this output, you can focus on the below sections.

SUM (user_object_reserved_page_count)*8 as user_obj_kb,
SUM (internal_object_reserved_page_count)*8 as internal_obj_kb,
SUM (version_store_reserved_page_count)*8  as version_store_kb,
SUM (unallocated_extent_page_count)*8 as freespace_kb,
SUM (mixed_extent_page_count)*8 as mixedextent_kb
FROM sys.dm_db_file_space_usage
If user_obj_kb is the highest consumer, then you that objects are being created by user queries like local or global temp tables or table variables. Also don’t forget to check if there are any permanent 
tables created in TempDB. Very rare, but I’ve seen this happening.
If version_store_kb is the highest consumer, then it means that the version store is growing faster than the clean up. Most likely there are long running transactions or open transaction (Sleeping state), 
which are
preventing the cleanup and hence not release tempdb space back.

Query that identifies the currently active T-SQL query, it’s text and the Application that is consuming a lot of tempdb space

SELECT es.host_name , es.login_name , es.program_name,
st.dbid as QueryExecContextDBID, DB_NAME(st.dbid) as QueryExecContextDBNAME, st.objectid as ModuleObjectId,
SUBSTRING(st.text, er.statement_start_offset/2 + 1,(CASE WHEN er.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max),st.text)) * 2 ELSE er.statement_end_offset 
END - er.statement_start_offset)/2) as Query_Text
, tsu.session_id ,tsu.request_id, tsu.exec_context_id, (tsu.user_objects_alloc_page_count - tsu.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) as OutStanding_user_objects_page_counts, (tsu.internal_objects_alloc_page_count - tsu.internal_objects_dealloc_page_count) as OutStanding_internal_objects_page_counts, er.start_time, er.command, er.open_transaction_count, er.percent_complete, er.estimated_completion_time, er.cpu_time, er.total_elapsed_time, er.reads,er.writes,
er.logical_reads, er.granted_query_memory FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage tsu inner join sys.dm_exec_requests er ON ( tsu.session_id = er.session_id and tsu.request_id = er.request_id
) inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions es ON ( tsu.session_id = es.session_id ) CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) st WHERE (tsu.internal_objects_alloc_page_count+tsu.user_objects_alloc_page_count) > 0 ORDER BY (tsu.user_objects_alloc_page_count - tsu.user_objects_dealloc_page_count)+(tsu.internal_objects_alloc_page_count - tsu.internal_objects_dealloc_page_count)

Tempdb and the Version Store

The version stored (SQL 2005 onwards) is a collection of objects that are used when Snapshot Isolation or Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation (RCSI) or online index rebuild etc. are used in a database.

Version store contains the committed rows which is how a SELECT operation does not get blocked when another UPDATE/DELETE is operating on the same row, because the SELECT reads the row from the version store, instead of the actual base table. When you enable this, the row has to be stored somewhere and tempdb happens to be the place. A row is maintained in the version store when there are transactions operating on that row in questions. When the transaction is committed, the row is cleaned up from the version store tables.

You can check the version store using the DMV sys.dm_tran_version_store

At times, when there are long running transactions or orphaned transactions, you might notice tempdb growth due to the version store.

You can use the following query to find the oldest transactions that are active and using row versioning.

SELECT top 5 a.session_id, a.transaction_id, a.transaction_sequence_num, a.elapsed_time_seconds,
b.program_name, b.open_tran, b.status
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions a
join sys.sysprocesses b
on a.session_id = b.spid
ORDER BY elapsed_time_seconds DESC

Trace Flag 1118

This trace flag is available starting with SQL 2000 SP3 to reduce tempdb contention by forcing uniform extent allocations as opposed to mixed extent allocations. This trace flag is only to be used if you seeing contention (wait_Stats) on the PFS/GAM pages like 2:1:1 etc.. More internal details on this trace flag is available in Paul Randal’s blog post here.

Not only does enabling the trace flag help but you need to create multiple tempdb files equal to the number of logical processors. So if you have 4 CPU’s you will create 4 tempdb data files. Now, what if you have 16 or 32 processors, do you still need to create that many tempdb files?

The answer is NO, you don’t have to. The above recommendation has been stated in many KB articles like;EN-US;328551

If the number of logical processors on your server is greater than or equal to 8, then use 8 data files for tempdb. If the number of logical processors is less than 8, then use as many data files as your processor count.

You can use the following against any of the SQL Servers you manage to find out if any change is required in the tempdb data files to reduce contention and improve general performance.

Declare @tempdbfilecount as int;
select @tempdbfilecount = (select count(*) from sys.master_files where database_id=2 and type=0);
WITH Processor_CTE ([cpu_count], [hyperthread_ratio])
      SELECT  cpu_count, hyperthread_ratio
      FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info sysinfo
select Processor_CTE.cpu_count as [# of Logical Processors], @tempdbfilecount as [Current_Tempdb_DataFileCount], 
      when (cpu_count<8 and @tempdbfilecount=cpu_count)  then 'No' 
      when (cpu_count<8 and @tempdbfilecount<>cpu_count and @tempdbfilecount<cpu_count) then 'Yes' 
      when (cpu_count<8 and @tempdbfilecount<>cpu_count and @tempdbfilecount>cpu_count) then 'No'
      when (cpu_count>=8 and @tempdbfilecount=cpu_count)  then 'No (Depends on continued Contention)' 
      when (cpu_count>=8 and @tempdbfilecount<>cpu_count and @tempdbfilecount<cpu_count) then 'Yes'
      when (cpu_count>=8 and @tempdbfilecount<>cpu_count and @tempdbfilecount>cpu_count) then 'No (Depends on continued Contention)'
end) AS [TempDB_DataFileCount_ChangeRequired]
from Processor_CTE;


Here is a sample output. As you can see I have 8 processors and only 1 tempdb file. So I need to add 7 more files.


Last point before I wrap up this post. Once your tempdb database or log file is full, you have these options:-

1. Either you have to rollback any transactions consuming tempdb space or kill the transactions (not a good idea).

2. Create additional tempdb files in other drives which have free space, while you dig around to find the culprit who is growing tempdb.

3. Restart your SQL Server service.

Have fun working with tempdb. Here are some good references

Working with tempdb –

Storage Engine Blog –

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IO Cost in an execution plan–What it actually means?

Posted by Sudarshan Narasimhan on May 11, 2012

I/O is probably one the slowest of the resources. The information below gives a quick meaning of what these operators mean when you look at them in an execution plan. This specific concentrates on the “Estimated I/O Cost” value in an execution plan. I’ll post some other day in detail on how to decipher a SQL Server query execution plan.

Thanks to Niraj Mehta for putting together this content.

Table Scan

  • The total number of data pages in the table

Clustered Index Scan

  • The number of levels in the index plus the number of data pages to scan (data pages = #rows / #rows per page)

Non-Clustered Index Seek on a Heap (Bookmark Lookup)

  • The number of levels in the index plus the number of leaf pages to read for qualifying rows plus the number of qualifying rows (1 I/O for each row on the heap)

Non-Clustered Index (I1) Seek on a Clustered index (I2) (Bookmark Lookup)

  • The number of levels in the I1 index plus the number of leaf pages to read for qualifying rows plus the number of qualifying rows times the cost of searching for a clustered index (I2) key

Covering Non-Clustered index

  • The number of levels in the index plus the number of leaf index pages to read for qualifying rows (#qualifying rows / # rows per leaf page).

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Shedding light on SQL Server Statistics and Auto Update Statistics

Posted by Sudarshan Narasimhan on May 4, 2012

SQL Server collects statistical information about indexes and column data in the database. These statistics play a very important role in coming up with an efficient query plan. Statistical information is used by the Query Optimizer when it decides to choose Seek vs. Scan or using Index A vs. Index B, etc. So it’s important as a DBA to pay careful attention to statistics and making sure they are updated and maintained well.

Just like Chandler Bing’s job is “Statistical analysis and data reconfiguration”, its a good DBA’s job to take care of maintaining the statistics Smile.

SQL Server 2005 statistics features allow you to:

  • Implicitly create and update statistics with the default sampling rate (in the SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE commands, use of a column in a query condition such as a WHERE or JOIN clause causes statistics to be created or updated if necessary when automatic statistics creation and update is enabled)
  • Manually create and update statistics with any desired sampling rate, and drop statistics (CREATE STATISTICS, UPDATE STATISTICS, DROP STATISTICS, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX)
  • Manually create statistics in bulk for all columns of all tables in a database (sp_createstats)
  • Manually update all existing statistics in the database (sp_updatestats)
  • List statistics objects that exist for a table or database (sp_helpstats, catalog views sys.stats, sys.stats_columns)
  • Display descriptive information about statisticsobjects (DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS)
  • Enable and disable automatic creation and update of statistics database-wide or for a specific table or statistics object (ALTER DATABASE options AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS and AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS, sp_autostats, and the NORECOMPUTE option on CREATE STATISTICS and UPDATE STATISTICS)
  • Enable and disable asynchronous automatic update ofstatistics (ALTER DATABASE option AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC

Behaviour change from SQL 2005 onwards

In SQL Server 2000, statistics update was determined by the number of row changes. Now, changes are tracked at the column level, and auto update of statistics can now be avoided on columns which have not changed enough to warrant statistics update.  This is a behaviour change between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 onwards when it comes to auto update statistics. SQL Server 2005 and onwards determines whether to update statistics based on the colmodctrs (column modification counters) value.

A statistics object is considered out of date in the following cases:

1. The table size has gone from 0 to > 0 rows.
2. The number of rows in the table when the statistics were gathered was 500 or less, and the colmodctr of the leading column of the statistics object has changed by more than 500 since then.
3. The table had more than 500 rows when the statistics were gathered, and the colmodctr of the leading column of the statistics object has changed by more than 500 + 20% of the number of rows in the table when the statistics were gathered.
4. If the statistics object is defined on a temporary table, it is out of date as above, except that there is an additional threshold Recomputation after insertion of 6 rows.

Q: How is the COLMODCTR maintained by SQL Server?
Ans: The colmodctr values that SQL Server keeps track of are continually modified as the data in the table changes. Depending on the amount of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/TRUNCATE/BULK OPS that are occurring on the table, this counter value keeps changing. The below table, describes what the effect on colmodctr value are for each operation.



Controlling STATISTICS Behaviour

You have options like AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS, AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS and AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC etc, which are all database level options. So you need to configure this per each database. You can find if your user databases have these options by using sp_helpdb and looking at the status column or by using a query like below.

select name as [DB_NAME], is_auto_create_stats_on, is_auto_update_stats_on, is_auto_update_stats_async_on 
from sys.databases

How to find out which indexes or statistics needs to be updates?

You can use the following query on any SQL 2005+ instance to find out the % of rows modified and based on this decide if any indexes need to be rebuilt or statistics on the indexes need to be updated.

select as table_schema, as Object_name, as Object_id, as index_name,
i.indid as index_id,
i.rowmodctr as modifiedRows,
(select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes i2 where = and i2.indid < 2) as rowcnt,
convert(DECIMAL(18,8), convert(DECIMAL(18,8),i.rowmodctr) / convert(DECIMAL(18,8),(select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes i2 where = and i2.indid < 2))) as ModifiedPercent,
stats_date(, i.indid ) as lastStatsUpdateTime
from sysindexes i
inner join sysobjects tbls on =
inner join sysusers schemas on tbls.uid = schemas.uid
inner join information_schema.tables tl
on = tl.table_name
and = tl.table_schema
and tl.table_type='BASE TABLE'
where 0 < i.indid and i.indid < 255
and table_schema <> 'sys'
and i.rowmodctr <> 0
and i.status not in (8388704,8388672)
and (select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes i2 where = and i2.indid < 2) > 0
order by modifiedRows desc

Updating Statistics on all the table in any given database

I often get this often as to how you update all the tables in a database. You can use a script like below to achieve this.

Disclaimer: Do not run this unless you know its implications on a production server. Statistics update on all the tables will use CPU resources and depending on the size of the table take its own time.

select identity(int,1,1) as rownum,table_name into table_count from information_schema.tables where table_type='base table'
declare @count int,@stmt varchar (255),@maxcount int,@tblname varchar(50)
set @count=1
select @maxcount=count(*) from table_count
while @count < @maxcount+1
      select @tblname=table_name from table_count where rownum=@count
      set @stmt = 'UPDATE STATISTICS '+ '[' +@tblname+ ']' + ' WITH FULLSCAN'
      PRINT ('Updating statistics for table :'+@tblname)
      PRINT ('Finished Updating statistics for table :'+@tblname)
      print ''
      set @count=@count+1
      set @stmt=''
drop table table_count

Some tips on Statistics

1. Table variables do not have statistics at all.

Table variables are meant for operations on a small number of rows, a few thousand rows at max. This is a good scenario where you need to think about temporary tables (#tbl), because unlike table variables, temp tables can have indexes created on them, which means they can have statistics.

2. Multi-Statement Table Value Functions (TVF’s) also do not have any statistics

So if you have a complex query logic implemented in a function in SQL Server, think again! This function does not have any statistical information present, so the SQL optimizer must guess the size of the results returned. The reason for this is a multi-statement TVF returns you a TABLE as an output and table does not have any statistics on it.

3. You can find out from the Execution Plan aka SET STATISTICS PROFILE statement if any statistics would help a particular query

When you enable STATISTICS PROFILE ON and execute any query/batch it displays the execution plan. In this output look for the column called “Warnings”. During the course of compiling the plan, if the SQL Server optimizer felt that some statistics on column A would have helped the query, it displays this warning in the execution plan as “NO STATS”. If you see any such warning, consider creating some column statistics or indexes on the particular object in the row.

4. Avoid creating indexes on very frequently updated columns as the statistics also will have to keep up with the amount of data modifications.

5. Viewing Statistics

You can use DBCC SHOW_STATISICS (‘tablename’ , ‘index name’) to view the statistics on any given index’/column stats along with the histogram. The system DMV sys.stats stores information on each statistics available in a particular database.

Any statistics having the name prefixed as _WA_Sys_ is a auto-created statistics, which means SQL Server itself created them. User created statistics will have a given name or have the index name, e.g. PK_TBL1

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